Thursday, May 3, 2012

Political Cult Leaders

While Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee for this coming presidential election, he is not the leader of the Republican party.  Pundits like Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh control the beliefs and sentiments of the majority of Republicans today.  They use manipulative language and feed on the paranoia of their base in order to maintain their clout.

Left to Right: Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity,

Rush Limbaugh might be the worst offender.  He disparages women, African Americans, and gay people on his radio show to connect with his audience, many of whom already have a quiet contempt towards these groups.  For women, "he adopted the grossly sexist policy of requiring [them] to send him photos of themselves before he'd take their calls on the air." (Streitmatter)  He once told a Black caller to "take that bone out of your nose" and "routinely [refers] to gays as 'faggots' and 'perverts'." (Streitmatter)  Limbaugh is the voice behind a lot of the intolerance in this country.  He uses humor on his radio show to keep people, even those who disagree with him, listening.

Keith Olbermann,

While there aren't as many divisive liberal pundits of note, they do exist.  Former MSNBC personality Keith Olbermann comes to mind.  While he never used sexist, racist, or homophobic language, he was just as guilty of pandering to his base in order to control the way his liberals viewers think.  All of these pundits, liberal and conservative, don't want people to think for themselves.  They want us to think that if you strongly feel one way about a particular issue, you then automatically feel a certain way about various other issues.  Just because you are pro-choice does not mean that you're fiscally liberal.  Instead of listening to these people in the media, who have obtained way too much power, we must think of each issue individually.  We need to think for ourselves in order to form opinions.

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